57 research outputs found

    The Multi-Source National Forest Inventory of Finland – methods and results 2015

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    The tables listed in the Appendix can be retrieved from the URL: http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-326-712-1This report presents the methods and results of the Finnish multi-source forest inventory corresponding to year 2015. In addition to field data, satellite images, digital map data and other georeferenced data were used. The main purpose of the article is to make multi-source forest inventory results available for the users and to help the users to understand the principles of the methods and advantages and limitations of the products. The field data originate from the 11th and 12th Finnish National Forest Inventory from years 2012 to 2016. The field data have been computationally updated to the date 31 July, 2015. The satellite images where from years 2015 and 2016 (one frame). The basic features of the improved k-NN, ik-NN, estimation method are described. A new image window based calibration step has been added to processing of some themes. The results are presented by region (maakunta) and within the regions by municipality, the boundaries as on 1.1.2016. The estimates are given, for example, for land areas, areas of tree species dominance, age, and development classes of stands and often separately for forests available for wood supply. The mean volume and total volume estimates are given in many different ways: by tree species and by timber assortments for forest land, and combined forest land and poorly productive forest land and also for forests available for wood supply, as well as by age and development classes. The biomass estimates are given, in addition to the total biomass estimates, by tree species groups in young thinning stands in which the first commercial thinning was proposed for the first 5-year period, separately for stem and bark and branches and foliage. The biomass estimates of mature forests are presented separately for branches, foliage and stem residuals, and stumps and large roots by tree species groups. These biomass estimates are given separately for land available for wood supply. In addition to the tabular results, numerical forest resource maps have been computed for 44 themes. The themes include the same variables than in the tables, but the estimation unit is a pixel. Estimates for arbitrary larger units can be computed from the raster maps. Some of the differences between the tabulated results and similar results computed from the maps are discussed in the report.201

    Todennäköisyyslaskennan ViLLE-tehtäviä: Sähköisen oppimateriaalin kehittämistutkielma

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    Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää kirjallisuuden avulla matematiikan sähköisten tehtävien ominaisuuksia, etuja sekä haasteita. Sähköiset tehtävät sekä tieto- ja viestintäteknologian hyödyntäminen osana opiskelua on ilmiö, joka on saavuttanut tärkeän ja vankan aseman opetussuunnitelmissa sekä opetuksessa. Tutkielmassa käydään myös läpi kirjallisuudesta löytyneitä tutkielman kannalta olennaisia ydinasioita matematiikan opiskeluun ja oppimiseen liittyen. Aikaisempien tutkimusten mukaan sähköisillä tehtävillä on toistaiseksi ristiriitaisia vaikutuksia opiskelijan oppimiseen. Matematiikan opiskelu ja oppiminen ovat hyvin monimutkaisia ja yksilöllisiä prosesseja, jolloin ei voida löytää selkeää yksimielisyyttä siitä, minkälaiset tehtävät ja opetus tuottavat parhaat oppimistulokset. Aiempien tutkimusten valossa voidaan kuitenkin todeta, että sähköisten tehtävien olennaisimmat edut oppimisen kannalta ovat mahdollinen motivaation kasvu ja ylläpito, opiskelijan saama välitön ja adaptiivinen palaute sekä sähköisten tehtävien vuorovaikutteisuus ja joustavuus. Lisäksi tutkielmassa tuotetaan matemaattisia tehtäviä sähköiseen oppimisympäristöön. Sähköisenä oppimisympäristönä tässä tutkielmassa toimii Turun yliopistossa kehitetty ViLLE-järjestelmä. Matematiikan sähköisiä tehtäviä tuotettaessa tavoitteena on ollut ottaa huomioon kirjallisuudesta löydettyjä sähköisten tehtävien etuja ja hyödyntää niitä tehtävissä. Tuotettuja tehtäviä on viisi kappaletta ja ne ovat kohdistettu Turun yliopiston kurssille Todennäköisyyslaskennan peruskurssi. Kurssi on yliopiston perusopintotason kurssi, joka käsittelee todennäköisyyslaskentaa. Tutkielmassa tuotetut tehtävät esitellään osana raportointia. Jokaisesta tehtävästä on toteutettu esimerkkisuoritus ViLLE-järjestelmässä. Suoritukset käydään kuvien ja selostuksen avulla läpi vaiheittain. Selostuksessa perustellaan tehtävien luonnissa käytettyjä ratkaisuja sekä sähköisiin tehtäviin liittyviä ominaisuuksia

    The Multi-Source National Forest Inventory of Finland – methods and results 2013

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    This report presents the methods and results of the Finnish multi-source forest inventory corresponding to year 2013. In addition to field data, satellite images, digital map data and other georeferenced data were used. The main purpose of the article is to make multi-source forest inventory results available for the users and to help the users to understand the principles of the methods and advantages and limitations of the products. The field data originate from the 11th Finnish National Forest Inventory from years 2009 to 2013. The field data have been computationally updated to the date 31 July, 2013. The satellite images where from years 2012 – 2014. The basic features of the improved k-NN, ik-NN, estimation method are described. The results are presented by the regions of the Public Service unit of the Finnish Forest Centre and within the regions by municipalities, the boundaries as on 1.1.2014. The estimates are given, for example, for land areas, areas of tree species dominance, age, and development classes of stands and often separately for forests available for wood supply. The mean volume and total volume estimates are given in many different ways: by tree species and by timber assortments for forest land, and combined forest land and poorly productive forest land and also for forests available for wood supply, as well as by age and development classes. The biomass estimates are given, in addition to the total biomass estimates, by tree species groups in young thinning stands in which the first commercial thinning was proposed for the first 5-year period, separately for stem and bark and branches and foliage. The biomass estimates of mature forests are presented separately for branches, foliage and stem residuals, and stumps and large roots by tree species groups. These biomass estimates are given separately for land available for wood supply. All presented results can be employed in calculating forest resource estimates also for regions larger than municipalities. The error sources for the estimates as well as the reliability of the estimates are briefly discussed in Section 3.4.4 and Chapter 5.201

    The Multi-source National Forest Inventory of Finland - methods and results 2007

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    A paper in the series of the results of the multi-source national forest inventory.Layout: Sari ElomaaThis article presents the results of the Finnish multi-source forest inventory based on satellite images, digital map data and field data. The main purpose of the article is to make multi-source forest inventory results available for the foresters, and all the readers interested in forests and forest environment. The field data originates from the 10th Finnish National Forest Inventory from years 2005 to 2008 . The basic features of the employed improved k-NN, ik-NN, method are described. The results are presented by forestry centres and within forestry centres by municipalities. The estimates are given, for example, for land areas, areas of tree species dominance, age and development classes and often separately for forests available for wood supply. The mean volume and total volume estimates are given in many different ways: mean volumes by tree species and by timber assortments for forest land, poorly productive forest land and their combination and also for forests available for wood supply, as well as by age and development classes. The biomass estimates are given by tree species groups in young thinning stands in which first commercial thinning was proposed for the first 5-year-period, separately for stem and bark and branches and foliage. The biomass estimates of mature forests are presented separately for branches, foliage and stem residuals, and stumps and large roots by tree species groups. All biomass estimates are given separately for land available for wood supply. The presented results can be employed in calculating forest resource estimates also for regions larger than municipalities. The error sources for the estimates as well as the reliability of the estimates are briefly discussed in Section 3.2.3 and Chapter 5

    Ensimmäisen luokan oppilaiden matemaattiset taidot ja niiden kehittyminen syyslukukauden aikana

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella ensimmäisen luokan oppilaiden mate-maattisia taitoja ja niiden kehitystä syyslukukauden aikana. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään myös matemaattisiin taitoihin ja niiden kehitykseen mahdollisesti yhteydessä olevia teki-jöitä, kuten oppilaan osaamisen lähtötaso sekä oppilaan kiinnostus oppiainetta kohtaan, matematiikan opiskelun mielekkyys, koettu minäpystyvyys ja sukupuoli. Tutkimukseen osallistui 56 alakoulun ensimmäisen luokan oppilasta. Tutkittavat oppilaat olivat kolmesta varsinaissuomalaisesta koulusta ja tutkimuksessa osallisena oli yhteensä neljä luokkaa. Osallistuvien luokkien opettajia haastateltiin vapaamuotoisesti tutkimuk-sen yhteydessä. Tutkimus toteutettiin toistomittauksena. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeen avulla ensin alkusyksyllä ja sitten loppuvuonna 2017. Kyselylomakkeena tätä tutkimusta varten toimi matemaattinen testi, joka laadittiin perustuen opetussuunnitelman mukaisiin ensimmäisen luokan syyslukukauden oppimistavoitteisiin. Oppilaat suorittivat testin tut-kijan kanssa kahden kesken. Aikaisempien tutkimusten mukaan oppilaan matemaattisen osaamisen lähtötasolla on todettu olevan merkitys myöhempään matemaattisten taitojen osaamiseen. Oppilaan kokemus itsestään, suoriutumisestaan ja minäpystyvyydestään ovat yhteydessä koulu-menestykseen. On todettu, että oppilaan asenteella matematiikkaa kohtaan, itseluotta-muksella ja motivaatiolla on yhteys osaamiseen ja oppimistuloksiin. Sukupuolen yhtey-destä matemaattiseen osaamiseen on aikaisempien tutkimusten mukaan erilaisia ja ristirii-taisia tutkimustuloksia. Tyttöjen ja poikien osaamistason välillä olevat erot ovat olleet pieniä, ja paremmin suoriutuva sukupuoli vaihtelee tutkimuksesta toiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan ensiluokkalaisten oppilaiden matemaattinen osaaminen oli erittäin hyvää jo syksyn alussa. Syksyn opiskelu ja syyslukukauden alun taitotaso olivat yhteydessä matemaattisten taitojen positiiviseen kehitykseen. Suoritetun testin puitteissa alkumittauksissa matalimmassa taitotasoryhmässä olleet oppilaat kehittyivät syksyn ai-kana eniten, kun taas korkeimmassa taitotasoryhmässä olleet oppilaat vähiten. Aikai-semmista tutkimuksista poiketen oppilaiden kiinnostus matematiikkaa kohtaan, matema-tiikan opiskelun mielekkyys, koettu minäpystyvyys ja sukupuoli eivät olleet yhteydessä matematiikan osaamiseen tai sen kehitykseen

    The Multi-Source National Forest Inventory of Finland — methods and results 2017 and 2019

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    This report presents the methods and results of the Finnish multi-source forest inventory corresponding to years 2017 and 2019. In addition to field data, satellite images, digital map data and other georeferenced data were used. The main purpose of the article is to make multi-source forest inventory results available for the users and to help the users to understand the principles of the methods and advantages and limitations of the products. The field data originate from the 11th, 12th and 13th Finnish National Forest Inventory from years 2012 to 2019. The field data have been computationally updated to the date 31 July 2017 or 31 July 2019. The satellite images where from years 2017 and 2018 (two frames) for the 2017 product and years 2018 and 2019 for the 2019 product. The basic features of the improved k-NN, ik-NN, estimation method are described. A new image window-based calibration step has been added to processing of some themes. The results are presented by region (maakunta) and within the regions by municipality, the boundaries as on 1.1.2018 or 1.1.2020. The estimates are given, for example, for land areas, areas of tree species dominance, age, and development classes of stands and often separately for forests available for wood supply. The mean volume and total volume estimates are given in many different ways: by tree species and by timber assortments for forest land, and combined forest land and poorly productive forest land and also for forests available for wood supply, as well as by age and development classes. The biomass estimates are given, in addition to the total biomass estimates, by tree species groups in young thinning stands in which the first commercial thinning was proposed for the first 5-year period, separately for stem and bark and branches and foliage. The biomass estimates of mature forests are presented separately for branches, foliage and stem residuals, and stumps and large roots by tree species groups. These biomass estimates are given separately for land available for wood supply. In addition to the tabular results, numerical forest resource maps have been computed for 44 themes. The themes include the same variables than in the tables, but the estimation unit is a pixel. Estimates for arbitrary larger units can be computed from the raster maps. Some of the differences between the tabulated results and similar results computed from the maps are discussed in the report

    Associations between Sports Videogames and Physical Activity in Children

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to examine the associations of sports video gaming behaviour in the sociological concept of Physical Activity Relationships (PAR) and to see if sports video gaming differs by gender.Methods: A convenience sample of children between 11-12 years of age (n = 114) from three Finnish regions completed a questionnaire on perceptions of their video gaming and physical activity habits. Differences by gender were tested by contingency tables, and blockwise binary logistic regressions were used to examine the strength of association with physical activity behaviour in PAR.Results: Almost all girls had low importance to video gaming and over two thirds (71%) reported their frequency in sports video gaming was less than monthly. Sports video gaming was positively associated with physical activity behaviours (OR = 3.4, CI =1.3-9.0), but when combined with perceived physical activity importance and spectating in sports, the association was no longer statistically significant. There were no differences in gender for non-sports video gaming.Conclusions: For children who partake in sports video games, the activity can be an integral part of their overall PAR. These preliminary results require further exploring prior to drawing societal implications or sports video games or applying them for intervention to promote physical activity.</p

    Acute hormonal findings after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage - report from a single center

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    Purpose: The aim was to assess anterior pituitary hormone levels during the acute phase of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (aSAH) and analyze the possible association with the clinical condition and outcome. Material and methods: Forty patients with aSAH whose aneurysm was secured by endovascular coiling were enrolled. Basal secretions of cortisol, testosterone, luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels were measured up to 14 days after the incident. Results: The main finding was that hypocortisolism was rare whereas testosterone deficiency was common in male patients. Furthermore, various other hormone deviations were frequent and there was wide interindividual variability. We found no association between delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI), outcome of the patients or aneurysm location, and hormone abnormalities, while both Hunt & Hess and Fisher grade were associated with low PRL levels. Hunt & Hess 5 was associated with low PRL concentration when compared to grades 1 (OR = 4.81, 95% CI 1.15-20.14, p = 0.03), 3 (OR 7.73, 95% CI 1.33-45.01, p = 0.02), and 4 (OR = 6.86 95% CI 1.28-26.83, p = 0.02). Fisher grade 4 was associated with low PRL concentration when compared to grades 3 (OR 3.37, 95% CI 1.06-10.73, p = 0.03) and 2 (OR 9.71, 95% CI 1.22-77.10, p = 0.04). Conclusion: Deviations from normal and huge interindividual differences are common in hormone levels during the acute phase of aSAH. Routine assessment of anterior pituitary function in the acute phase of aSAH is not warranted. During the follow-up in the outpatient clinic, hormone concentrations were not measured, which would have brought a more long-term perspective into our findings.Peer reviewe